Tuesday, March 29, 2011

where is the craft?

Time management is such a hard thing to talk about. I personally find that I am kind of good at the whole time thing. I seem to fit way too much into my life, and don't worry I am no expert, I do it with a whole lot of chaos. I guess that makes it fun and a little interesting.

I was the mother that had the whole saturday craft activity organised. I was into that. I still am in to it, but life got a whole lot busier. There is so much going on in our little life that any chance to chill and pretty much lay like broccoli is snapped up. Keely and I now take the time on saturday to just be. We do more low key activities. Things that do not leave too much chaos. I do still love to do the crafty things. I do have a creative head after all, and so do both my little people.

On the weekend we pulled out the playdoh for a fun activity while it rained, and rained outside. We had a great time rolling balls, making people, and just being amongst the squished playdoh on our saltwater sandals. It was fun to watch Taj play. The bad mother has never pulled out playdoh for him, which in a way makes no sense as Taj has rolled with the paint. One would assume the paint is more chaotic.

There are times when we as parents like the "easy parenting" moments, and for me on saturday this was easy. I am a believer in exploring the world outside. Giving them a creative look on the world. There is so much they can also teach us about the things we might find smaller than life. They find these things to be the big things. Put your walking shoes on, put their walking shoes on, go for a bush walk, and look! It is an awesome world out there, full of activities without the element of chaotic mess. Craft mondays are a little non existent on the blog, but they are still here in a whole different way.


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