Do you think there is too much pressure on mothers to be the best at everything? Especially training our children to sleep from the moment we bring them home from hospital, until they are old enough to understand the whole sleeping issue.
Back onto the sleeping subject; a subject that hangs around for the first few years of our little ones lives. Then we will face the issue of trying to wake them up to go to school!
I am having issues with Taj. Well maybe they really are not issues. I guess sleep is only an issue if you feel it is not working for you. I think there comes a time where I do have to personally look at where I am in my life, and where the children are and go with the flow a little more. Taj has changed his sleep a lot since moving into a room with Keely and then having so many ear infections. Every time we have a flow going he gets sick again and he wants to snuggle with me to sleep. I have no idea why I feel so much pressure to get him to sleep in his cot and to fall asleep on his own, when he wants to lay on me, and all he says to me is, "cuddle."

So today I have made a decision. There is no denying Taj gets ear infections, (one of his ears is still infected after a week on antibiotics), he also loves his mum, and he loves to have a cuddle to go to sleep. He now sleeps in Keely's bed for his day sleep and he sleeps in my bed in the evening for his night sleep. Both arrangements gives him the comfort of a cuddle with his mum to fall asleep, I get a little rest as he drifts off to sleep, and he is happy. Our co-sleeping has stepped it up a notch. And he has slept through the night TWO nights in a row!

When I lay there with him, I don't hear anyone in the room telling me I am doing the wrong thing. They are only books, other people's opinions, and their way. I think we as mothers need to find our balance with being the best mum we can be for our children. If it be controlled crying, holding your little ones hand, falling asleep with a dummy, on the boob or the bottle, or in mums arms; these are all different tools, our children are all different, and so are we. I am doing what works for us. No more tears for mum. Time to breathe and enjoy this time.
Sleep will not be an issue forever. Time for a big bed for Taj, pack the cot away, and in the meantime he can sleep in Keely's bed for his day sleep and snuggle up with me in the evenings.