I know a little late to be showing you Keely's fairy party, but trust me it is worth the wait! This post will be image overload, I did try to minimise the images and only have a few, but what can I say I am a proud mum!
Keely always wanted a fairy party and would continually pull out the Women's Weekly children's birthday cake book. She was not shy to tell me for almost a year now that she has wanted the barbie fairy cake. So this year I knew I had to make this cake for her and we picked a fairy theme to match the cake. I had so much fun going to spotlight to find all of the fabric, party supplies and all the trimmings to decorate the cake. It took a few nights of cutting and gluing to get her dress and wings right. I made her top out of felt and stuck the diamonte number 4 onto the top to make it look a bit more special. When I made the cake I also made a small cake to hold the candles as I am not sure how our fairy was going to handle 4 candles while holding her wand.

The party was fabulous, if I can say that as the host. It was the first party that I had ever hired help. This was not just any help, our fairy lives in the same apartment block as us and Keely just adores her, so we had to have her come and be Keely's fairy for the morning.

Fairy Skye was all dressed up in one of her most special fairy outfits and she had matching wings for Keely to wear. Although Keely gave her wings to one of her friends as she had forgotten hers and Keely was wearing her wing top, which has wings on it already! Plus I must mention her lovely pettiskirt.... divine!
The children were mesmerized! I have never seen someone able to keep a group of children interested for over an hour. They did craft together, made a dream catcher to hang from one of the trees, she ran with them to show them how to fly; (very cute), they threw fairy dust and chanted that they believed in fairies and they went hunting for fairies.
Fairy Skye sprayed all of their hair to make it a fun colour, added crystals to their faces and made each and everyone of them feel like they were fairies and also made them feel like it was their birthdays.
Each child was given a gift of magic crystals, fairy dust and either a lovely necklace or a badge for the boys. The crystals were for the children to keep under their pillows to keep them safe from monsters and to also allow them to go to sleep on their own. I am not sure how Fairy Skye knew this was an issue for most of the children there, but she knew exactly what to say..... magic!
They were all given a special fairy name and it was so much fun to hear all of the names she had given her little fairies. Keely was Fairy Diamond Crystal, then there was Fairy Lavender, Fairy Pinkle Winkle (this is the one that all parents were giggling at), Fairy Bluebell, Fairy Floss, Buzzy Bee Xavier, Batman, Pirate Ollie, Surfy Kian and Buzzy Bee.
For me this is the best party I have been too, strange saying this as it was my child's party, but it honestly was. The children were so happy, everyone of them got involved and to see that is beautiful. I was relaxed as a host, I got to take lots of images, talk to other parents and watch the children create fairy magic.
Mostly Keely was the happiest I had seen her and she was so proud to be a fairy for the day.