Monday, February 13, 2012

their bravery is inside you

We all try to reach inside and take a bit of that bravery we carry within ourselves. There are times when we need it more than others, and there are times when those little people need to reach in and find their own bravery.

Have you noticed when a little person is reaching in to find their bravery, they are looking right at you to find it within your eyes. The tears you had welling up need to dry up faster than they started to roll down your cheeks.

My little girl had her first asthma attack on the weekend. A mother's instinct told me to go straight to the hospital after seeing a GP for a whole 2 minutes. These whole 2 minutes my daughter was having a mild asthma attack. He missed it.

I am asthmatic, and after taking Keely to the GP I noticed that she was sucking air in way down in her stomach. My own stomach sank, and I knew it was time to go straight to hospital.

Keely is getting better after a severe asthma attack.

Today we went to our GP, and now I need to be brave for my little people, again. I need to suck back those tears. We are moving again. We are packing up our new life, and moving. There is rising damp in our unit block, and it has affected my own asthma, but I was sucking it up for my children. I didn't want to move again. I thought in the last two years they had been through enough changes. But now I have a little girl that is sick too.

The strength in my girl is amazing. All Keely asked for when I was told to move home was a new home where she could ride her bike.

Bravery is a whole lot more than I ever thought it was. Keely has taught me that she will love any home; all it needs is her mum wearing that brave face. And she too will be brave.


  1. that made me cry... bless your gorgeous lil princess x

  2. Get better keely... A mothers love and intuition should always be trusted x

  3. you did good. hope she's well on the mend now. the damp in sydney is really bad for asthma. dave, eileen and pearl x

  4. Bless your precious little angel! May your new move be the best one ever, for you and your beautiful children xx

  5. that brave mum face has made this brave little girl realise already that home is where you make it, and as long as you all have each other, and a rad place to burn around on your wheels, that is all that is needed in a home. you're going to need to a lot of double shot coffee's mumma, but you do what you think is right for you and your children. slow and steady wins the race xx

  6. Sounds like your Mumma instincts are working perfectly and the hospital was right where you needed to go.
    I hope your move goes well - kids find things like that so exciting - new rooms to play in, new streets to explore, same mum to keep them safe!

  7. oooh Hayley...big hugs to you both ♥

  8. brave little gorgeous, generous, clever keely! so glad to hear she is doing OK. i know the thought of moving sucks, but hopefully the actual move won't be too bad & it will be exciting to unpack and set up somewhere new. if you feel like a mini holiday to melbourne one weekend for a quick break in between all the moving madness, let me know.. you're very welcome to stay here :)

  9. Hi Hayley, I love to follow your blog, as a young single mum it helps me a lot :) My daughter has asthma too, there is a great product available called 'thieves' by Young living. The thieves oil is a blend of 5 organic essential oils including cloves, lemon, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus. You can purchase the diffuser to put micro-fine particles of the oil into the air, targeting mould spores ect. I used it in everyroom of our house after the floods. I swear by it! And it may just help Keeley with her asthma xx



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