Friday, July 31, 2009
organic markets
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
blossoms at little pinwheel
Sunday, July 26, 2009
a sweet treat
Friday, July 24, 2009
I heart nature baby
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
finger food
skout interview

The lovely Lou from Skout Trade Fair did an interview with me and posted it in 'the inside scoop.' For those of you who do not know about Skout you are missing out, especially if you are a creative person. It is your online playground to hang out, show off, hold hands, make best friends, eat your play lunch (mine is always chocolate) and even join a club!
I personally have made some great friends and fantastic contacts. So if you are in the an industry that could connect, share, learn, grow and prosper then Skout is so the place for you! Head on Skout
How would you describe your business?
An online baby and children’s boutique that offers beautiful clothes from Australian and New Zealand designers.
What promoted you to go into business for yourself?
I am not sure what happens to a woman when they have children, but there is something that makes you love everything little. I fell in love with little peoples clothes and being an online shopper myself I felt there was no one that really offered Australian based designers. As I had a love for fashion and being a creative person I thought I could mix the two and come up with a website that offers a great range of designers.
What is the hardest part of running your own business from home ?
The balance between the housewife and the mumpreneur. I find it hard when I am busy and have deadlines to keep focused with piles of washing, dirty floors and the ever growing obsticales of toys on the ground.
Whats your number one tip for working from home with kids?
Involve them in some way, my daughter loves to help me photograph new ranges, try things on for me, unpacks boxes and she even helps gift wrap the orders. This has helped for me and she understands that I need to get orders packed each day. Keely even roll plays with her dolls and talks about shopping on the website, Little Pinwheel. She even writes lists of clothes that the dolls have bought for us to pack when we pack the other orders.
How do you start each work day ?
The workday starts as soon as I get out of bed. I am obsessed with turning on the computer and checking what has happened over night with Little Pinwheel. I then have my shower, feed my little ones and once my son, Taj, is asleep I am right into the swing of things. If my daughter is at home and not at pre-school I have a balance with her and Little Pinwheel. We have our thing we have worked out when it comes to mummy working and she loves to help anyway she can.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I actually don’t think I would change anything personality wise, cosmetically maybe as having children does weird things to a woman’s body!
What do you love the most about your husband /partner?
The fact that he is so encouraging and supportive. I don’t think it would matter what I decided I wanted to do he would support me 100%.
Do you have a dog ? Whats his/her name, breed and why ? If not what sort of dog would suit you best ?
We don’t have a dog as we live in a two bedroom apartment. We have 6 fish, which have all been named after my daughter’s friends. If we did have a dog I think we would suit a golden retriever. I think they are gentle, fluffy and they would make for a great cuddle.
Do you have a vege patch ?
We actually don’t and I wish we did. I have always had one growing up and they are a great way of teaching children where our food comes from and maybe that would help with fussy eaters? Ooh now there is a thought! Time to plant that vege patch in pots!
Whats your favourite day of the week?
I love Sunday, it is our ‘family day’ and the day where we try to do something worth doing. Although Sundays are not what they used to be, I do miss that lazy sleep in and the Sunday paper down our favourite café! Now it is a morning of chaos as we try to get organised to get out of the house.
How do you describe your work ethic ?
I have a very strong work ethic, I always have. I don’t do things in halves, always has to be 100%. I sometimes get myself into too much and have trouble digging myself out of holes, but if I keep organized with my diary of things to do and when by I generally do ok. It is all about time management and I think having children has made this a great skill of mine.
What would be your dream weekend away – hubby alone ? Kids? By yourself?
My dream weekend would be with my hubby and children. I love them all so much and would miss them too much being away from them! I would take them somewhere where it did not involve car travel, a plane to minimize the stresses of ‘are we there yet?’ It would also have to involve a beach, love the beach, and a nice 26 degrees.
How many children do you want ?
I thought I would always have two children, but when I was pregnant with Taj I didn’t ever think it would be the last time. I absolutely adore my two children and I think having another one or two would be quite nice. Keely would like me to have a girl, a big girl. I have tried to explain to her that mummy cannot have a 6 year old baby. She would have made a great little sister, but she will grow to see that she makes a fantastic big sister. I think we would like to have at least one more, we quite like the challenge of fitting us all in our two bedroom apartment!
What is the biggest lesson your Mum taught you or piece of advice she gave you ?
She taught me that you can do anything you put your mind to. She encouraged me when I made choices in life and she let me learn from my own mistakes.
The advice my mum gave me was to be happy. She didn’t really care too much what I did as long as I did it with a smile on my face. I think that in itself is something I will pass onto my children. Happiness means so much and my mum taught me how to be happy with anything and everything I did.
Pinot Noir or Sav B ?
Pinot Noir, great chilled on a hot summer night. I think I have an obsession with anything to do with the warmer weather!
Finish this sentence … My children are …the reflection of my love for my husband.
What are your plans for Little Pinwheel ?
I am introducing new brands this summer and I am very excited to add to the range I already have. I would like to grow the sizes I stock up to. I think that it would be nice to give teenagers some cool clothes to buy. The accessory and décor side of Little Pinwheel will grow over time, but for now I am concentrating on getting the best designed clothes for the little people out there. I am loving every part of Little Pinwheel and I really enjoy talking to other mother’s out there that have their own businesses online, we are all doing what we love.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
divine simplicity
Sunday, July 12, 2009
sunday brunch