This home is the house of frights. Tantrums, not listening, and a mumma that has crossed the boarder. This mum is the witch of the house.
This mum cried tonight. It was too hard to yell. I tried, but the tears rolled instead, and I sobbed. My poor little people, who were high on sugar and completely overtired, instantly stopped. All I felt was little arms around me and Keely saying, "oh my mumma."
It was not a tactic. It was not a ploy to get them into bed. But that is where they tip toed. And fell asleep.
Sometimes you just have to cry; there is no more energy left to yell.
There are times when you feel like you are bashing your head up against a wall with parenting, and your children have turned into little witches. And there are times when you try every trick in the book, and all you have left is the treat. I know there will come a day when that candle in the pumpkin will be blown out, and for now I just have to hope I have more tears, than witch screams.
Before my tears, we had the most amazing evening with friends, and the images are a perfect depiction of this.
Happy Halloween.
{I am actually really happy, but there is something inside of me that is taking away the "rock on" mum, and I cannot seem to get out of this hole. I think they call it loneliness. Or maybe it is just a stage of parenting we all go through; single or not single}?