Wednesday, December 14, 2011

keely's craft iphone

Little people want their own phones at such a young age. They are the thing to have. Keely asked me for one a few weeks ago, and I asked her, who would she ring. She looked at me, and shrugged her shoulders, and replied, "oh yeah!"

This morning Keely asked for paper, scissors and my pencils. Keely decided it was time for her new phone.

The phonebook.

The games page.

The game. It is a really hard game.

The photo album.

The back cover.

Talking on the phone.

I think my girl has something. She has the creative head, and I love it. I cannot believe how awesome her phone is, and how awesome she is.

A great holiday activity!


  1. Thats super cool. Keely looks very happy with it and those shades are fantastic!
    At our house my son makes Nintendo DS's out of cardboard and draws up all of the buttons and games.
    He thinks we are the meanest parents ever because we wont let him have one but when you live at the beach and can going surfing and exploring why would you want a computer game thingy??

  2. can i eat keely up? she just looks ridiculously gorgeous!

  3. yes you can jessi! I want to eat her up too. she is awesome xx



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