Three Little Trees was born nearly 2 years ago when we decided to take our love of making children look cute to the next level! Jacqui had been drawing some designs and I have always sewn my own kids clothes so we started out wanting to make clothes and sell at markets, that never happened but before we knew it we and a manufacturer and were in the process of getting 5000 pieces of clothing made! It all just snow balled from there really!
2. How did you come up with the name "Three Little Trees, " is there a meaning behind it?
We actually threw a lot of names around, but we both knew for some reason that we wanted something to do with trees. We both love the outdoors and care a lot for the environment. Trees symbolise a lot too; they symbolise growth and regeneration, life, somewhere that children can play, laugh and love to be. The name Three Little Trees just felt right.
3. What are your backgrounds?
Not long before we stared Jacqui was a Flight Attendant Manager and I was studying Natural Therapies and working for my dad's roofing company. We are both mum's to two children each, Jac has Lily, nearly 5 and Kai who is 3 and I have Xaviah, nearly 5 and Maya, nearly 2.
4. Do either of you have a creative background, as you do some fabulous designs, I am just wondering where your hidden talents come from, or are you just naturally gifted when it comes to children's clothing?
Not technically.....ha ha! We are both arty people and always have been. Kate was sewing her baby girl, May, gorgeous little outfits and I had started sketching my own designs for a boys range when we realised we would make quite a good team. It really works well, because Kate is really good at the technical side of the computer and graphic design, so she is the "Mac girl" and I am know as the "Words girl" because I enjoy creative writing and the marketing side of things. We are both quite relaxed with it all and try to be quite fair with each other and try to keep it flexible around our family life. Without each other, we really would not succeed, I guess.
5. Were you and Jac friends before you started Three Little Trees?
Yes, we met when our eldest children, now five were three months old at Mother's Group on the Gold Coast, they were born three days apart. It wasn't until just over 18 months ago that we discussed the idea of starting a label over lunch and it just snow balled very quickly!!
6. Where does all your inspiration for these amazing styles come from that you create each season?
Our inspiration comes mainly from our children, watching them play and grow and trying to create something that not only looks great, but is comfortable. We love being different and think it is very important to be unique! Every season is inspired by different elements on top of this, for example this season, Winter, was inspired by the vibrant colour and style of the orient.
7. What can we expect for Summer, is there a theme carrying through the range?
Summer 09 we are still using prints by ISAK, the collection is called the "birds and bees" and that says it all I think :) There is an underlying meaning to our theme which is of course the creation of our beautiful children. Its all very cute and whimsical! We are so happy with the way it turned out and are super excited to get it into shops! I can't believe how fast the months fly by, we barely get a chance to breath between seasons!!
A sneak peak of Summer coming to Little Pinwheel in September!